Thursday, June 7, 2007

Round 1 Day 10 A Story

Another great day! Zoe signed up for concurrent Spanish class! YEAH!! Her first college class! Her TAKS scores exempted her from taking THEA and grades over 90 which made her eligible to take classes! I'm so proud of her!! :)

Back in March, when I knew I'd be going through chemo, I looked up a site online: In there is a ton of information including a discussion board. In the board is a forum for ladies going through chemo. If you are starting chemo in March, you'd be part of the March ladies group. This is like a cyber hug, hand-holding type gathering. I really liked the idea of coming back each day and letting your cyber-sisters know what you were feeling that day. (Kind of like what I am doing now with my blog.) It was interesting to read how they felt about entering into chemo (scared), the experience of getting the chemo (not as bad as they'd expected), and what they felt each day (mostly sick). It also said which day their hair came out and when they got their heads shaved. They continue their sisterhood throughout the 6 months or however long their treatment lasts. Also talked about what meals benefited them, exercise, makeup, travel, etc.

A few days after starting my own treatment, I told Graland that I would not go back to their forum. I didn't want to know or be influenced by their sickness. (Just as I told my doctor I wouldn't be reading the info she gave me on my own chemo as I didn't want to be influenced.) I remember there was one woman in the March group who did not reply often and finally did one day. She said she felt very bad being the only one who felt well. She just couldn't write in among the ladies with such bad nausea that she felt great.

And so it is with me as well. I almost feel bad for feeling so great! But instead, I don't! :) I am SOOO thankful to so many people who have prayed me through my diagnosis and treatment. For EVERY day! :) But more importantly to a God who has heard the petitions and had such sweet mercy. I completely don't understand why, but THANK YOU GOD!!! I stand with hands held high to you (well, getting close to it anyway!) :)


Anonymous said...

I can hear God saying, "Just keep reaching. I've got ya'."