Saturday, May 26, 2007

Ice cream social.

Following the half day on the last day of school, we have lunch then come back for our final time together. It's a teary time as we say goodbye to many teachers who are either retiring or moving to another town/campus. Too many of them were surprises for me. And I can't imagine our campus without them. I had just found out about Hannah going which just tears me up as she is such an incredible woman. I'm not sure if I wrote this before but she was there for me on that very first day of school. Actually, before that!! It was Meet the Teacher night. I got a call that Aunt Glenda was sick and dying, and 'poof' there was Hannah running in to meet my kids for me. She sent me cards and always checked up on me. Then when I got sick, she was there again helping again with cards and finances. She started and ended my year. Besides that I just love her. But I am also so proud of her for leaving us for professional reasons. One day I'm sure she'll be our Superintendent.

The surprise leave was Cindy Glover. I had no idea! I hate surprises!! Her face was just crumpled, I know her heart was heavy with this decision. I will sooo miss her daily in the PE/Music hall. Her smile makes your day and she is so fun to talk and listen to.

OK...back to the ice cream social. When it was coming to an end, Dr. Sewell called us all the form a circle. She ends with "Let's put our arms around each others shoulders for a giant hug." Well, I can do the right arm with no problem, but the left is a no-go!! lol Amy Banks, poor thing, is beside me. When my arm is back and extended it doesn't go very high. I did my best, but I just had to tell her as it happened..."Sorry, my arm only goes up as far as your butt!" She says "Don't touch my butt!" Then again, "Sorry, it only goes as high as your butt!" lol Finally, I took pity on her and kept my arm in front of me and she just hugged me without me hugging/groping!! her!!!!! lol It was a hoot!! And YES!! I LOVE to tell that story!! lol God is good! There's a reason for this arm to not be fully functional yet, and it for that story! Don't tell me He doesn't have a good sense of humor!