Sunday, December 2, 2007

genetics testing in the morning

We will finally get the genetic testing done in the morning. It takes a month just to get IN to the geneticist. I understand that they are very thorough with you and take as much time as needed for the interview. Although I do not have a blood test on my schedule, there MUST be a blood test sometime during the interview.

Had my appraisal this went fine, but paled to the news of a friend who has a tumor on her spine and perhaps a spot on the brain. She'll be going to MD as well. I know the uncertainty that she is facing and the fear of the unknown, esp with children (older) and family. Many people have come to me reflecting on God's miracles of healing. Peace was His greatest miracle to me. It is not my personality, so I know it did not come from me. Many can do this "on their own" and that's fine. I love that I was able to identify that it was God Who was with me..and not myself. I am praying this for my friend...that she'll see God and how big He is..and how He can lead her each step of the way...and be her comfort. After all, is that not Who God left us, but the Comforter?