Thursday, February 7, 2008

genetic testing results

What a beautiful day for a drive! couldn't have been better! We got to the hospital early as I wanted to question the oncologists nurse about something unrelated...which turned out to be nothing. yeah! We visit the genetics person first. I am suddenly saying Oh great...I don't have a pen to write down all the information. She says, Well, there might not be much for you to write down...your test for gene mutation came back NEGATIVE! OH PRAISE GOD!!! I had prayed the night before for it to be negative...that if my girls got wouldn't be my fault they got it. And so it won't be!!! Now hopefully they just won't get it at all! She said the chances of my getting the cancer in the other breast are very low. But I didn't write it I need to call to get it mailed to me.

Then another genetics doctor spoke with us...I think we were just double booked on this thing. She told us the same thing the first consultant told us. I talked with her about getting the right breast removed and she looked kinda surprised..and said the risks were very slim, but that she wouldn't be against it, but to talk with my doctor and oncologist.

Next was plastics..Kronowitz. Visited with him quite a while. Graland said I definitely got my money's worth this time. ha ha They asked if I was interested in various "clean ups" (my terminology...not theirs). He showed my different things that needed to be done. Getting an injection underneath on the left side to make it more defined. I asked about my stomach indents...I asked if he could inject whatever there as well to smooth it out and he said he could. He told me it was my small size that makes it just draw in like that. I also have a small painful area on the right side of the stomach STILL that I can't get rid of. He said he could check it out when he does surgery next...which may be the end of July....waiting on a date.

I talked with him about removing the right breast and he was a bit taken back. I REALLY thought it would have been something they went for without question...but he is so realistic and said I should really talk with Dr. Green, my oncologist, about statistics. After getting my genetics back and looking through ALL my records, he did not advise it...that I could be doing more to the morbidity (?) I think that was his word. That I could be causing myself more harm than good if I did. But to do some research and see..according to MY personal records..if it is the right thing to do.

Then we talked about other surgeries. I said I was open to the nipple surgery and getting the right side "to match" with a lift and implant IF I decided against the removal. I DO go in during March for my one year check up when I'll see Dr. Ross and Dr. Green there will be lots to talk about then. The nipple surgery takes about 45 minutes in one of the offices there...not too big a deal. The other surgery would be an overnight stay and tenderness for about 7-10 days.