Monday, February 19, 2007

The Hem

Autumn came to my room today (Mon., Feb. 19, 2007) and said her pastor felt called to come visit with us and that he had a testimony that he wanted to share. I said I'd love to have them come over that evening! So we tidy up after school and wait for them to arrive.

Right on time, Autumn and Chuck (her pastor from Camp Ruby) came and we invited them in to sit and have tea.

Chuck began his testimony and there is NO WAY I could relay the whole thing here...his visit was over 2 hours and OH, how I wished it had been taped! He was from the area and years ago when he was in his late teens or early twenties he was run over (his head) by a ton truck. He was life-flighted to a hospital and so much happened to him, very spiritual. His head was broken in seven different places, his neck was broken, he was not expected to live.

Long story VERY short, he walked out of the hospital 20 days later. X-rays showed the neck was completely healed... Chuck had prayed earnestly the whole while there, but couldn't speak due to the trach in his throat. When the doctors would say, Youth, they sure do heal up quickly, he wanted to shout NO!!!! It is NOT ME!! It is completely the power of God and His healing.

One story he told me was illustrated with a dollar bill. He said I could hand you this dollar bill, but what would you have to do. I said I would have to take it from him, so I did. Now, he said, do you have to ask for the dollar? No, I have it here with me. (Christ in me, with me.)

Chuck did not leave our home until I "got it." He stayed and went into illustration upon illustration of what he went through. During that time, he told us, I have something to say, and if you only know it to be true, you'll be ok. Well, he would talk and talk and I knew that it was "just there" but I couldn't see it. Like, tell me the punch line, get me to the last page so I can see what it is you're saying.

He told us of visions he had while at the hospital. One of him on a tight-rope. He was at one end and Jesus at the other end and Jesus called him across. He began walking very slowly, and once out there away from the confines of being able to fall back and still be safe, he started to sway. He leaned from side to side and until finally he couldn't catch himself from falling. He cursed himself for faltering, and cried that he had let his foot fall. He looked up and saw Jesus smiling and thought to himself, My God, why would you be smiling?! When he looked at his feet again, he saw that the rope had moved and that he had never fallen. The Savior kept him from falling and held him the entire way.

Chuck told us verses of healing and the power of Christ. We debated with him over some of the interpretations. Such as "by His stripes you are healed." We said, yes, spiritually. But he disagreed and said No, HEALED. I told him Yes, I believed that Christ came into me when I was saved. But now, His stripes, the blows that should have fallen on me, He took on. The blows I continue to get today...He took them on Himself.

Then Chuck went to the prayer we pray...Our Father, which art in Heaven, holy is Your Name, on EARTH as it is in HEAVEN. He said that was a powerful word...AS. AS...not similar to, or kinda like, but AS. JUST AS. SAME AS. So, the question was How is it in Heaven? No pain, no crying, peace, where God abides. As there, HERE. Christ in you. Christ there, Christ here. SAME AS. What does this mean, he asks. I say, there is no cancer in Heaven. He moves to sit by me and hold my hand. What does that mean? That Christ is HERE, IN me. He has no cancer in Heaven, He has no cancer here abiding in my body. He took that healing. His stripes have healed me. PRAISE GOD!!!!

He says to keep that, don't lose it, don't look away. Do I believe it? I have to or the Bible is a farce. The promises are not true. He says, You see it don't you? Yes, I do. We rejoice and float in the Hands of our Jesus. I am not to look at anyone else but Him...Jesus.


Fast forward... Kevin comes into my room and says He was at his prayer group last night and they had a prayer cloth. The Holy Spirit told him to pray for me and that I was healed. My name is lifted to God and healing was claimed in their midst. Kevin gives me the prayer cloth with the verses that were claimed.